The development of modern society significantly depends on the quality of knowledge produced in both academic and educational environments. It is from understanding the internal basis of fundamental knowledge about the dynamics of socio-economic change, the paradigm of state-creative patriotism of nation with their active implementation at various levels of government it is possible to translate potential into real power and welfare of its citizens.
In this context, the strategic development of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of Financial Management and Business of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv received efforts on scientific issues of education and formation of state-creative patriotism of nation, strengthening its spiritual and moral qualities in terms of radical reforms. One of the priority elements of such education at the level of educational and research environment is the specific participation of educators in the training of highly qualified personnel for the management vertical, in particular, through the review of monographs and work in specialized scientific councils. Thus, Doctor of Economics, Professor Borys Karpinsky became one of the reviewers of the monograph by Hrynchyshyn Iryna «Welfare of the territorial community: financial support in the new paradigm of regional development» (380 p.). It is worth noting that the monograph systematically reveals the evolution of theories of social welfare. The most relevant scientific theories that constitute the conceptual base of regional policy are systematized. The scientific approaches to securing the territorial communities’ wellbeing are generalized. The features, functions, and approaches to identification of the nature of a territorial community are determined, in particular the mutual responsibility of the territorial community itself and local governments. Based on the conducted research, the concept of improving the budgetary mechanisms of securing the territorial communities’ wellbeing is suggested. It is grounded on the following priority directions of securing the territorial communities’ wellbeing: organizational-economic and financial foundations of securing the territorial communities’ wellbeing and improving the budgetary mechanisms and their tools, stimulation of the territorial community’s residents to secure their wellbeing by themselves, and intensification of local economic development by boosting the economic capacity.
In fact, this monographic work became the foundation of the dissertation research Iryna Hrynchyshyn for the degree of Doctor of Economics, and the defense took place on April 16, 2021 at a meeting of the specialized scientific council D 35.154.01 in the State Institution «The Institute of the Regional Research Named after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine», where Professor Borys Karpinsky is a part of it.Such knowledge and efficiency allows to respond in time to modern challenges in the state, science, education, thus providing the formation and education of students on new management concepts.