III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration”
On October 19-20, 2021, the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration” took place. The event was organized by Franko National University of Lviv (Faculty of Finance and Business Management) together with Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Social Policy and Protection of Veterans’ Rights, Adaptation Center civil service to the standards of the European Union.
Due to quarantine restrictions, the scientific forum was held remotely using the Microsoft Teams platform. The event was joined by partners and guests from different regions of Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Belarus. In total, more than 100 members of the academic community and highly professional practitioners in the field of public administration and administration took part in the conference.
The first vice-rector of Lviv University Andriy Hukalyuk started the event with a welcoming speech: “The topic of the conference is extremely important, relevant, with a practical focus in today’s conditions. I am glad that our meeting is becoming traditional because as a result of fruitful work and constructive dialogue between the participants, we have the opportunity to improve the system of public administration in order to find compatible and effective solutions to sustainable development. Today, we, the academic community, understand more than ever the importance of training specialists for government and local self-government, taking into account today’s challenges. I hope for a fruitful dialogue, “Andriy Fedorovych stressed and wished everyone health and inspired discussion.
Dean of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business Andriy Stasyshyn noted that the faculty is the youngest at Lviv University, but for its short history has become an important center of scientific and educational life in Ukraine. “I am proud that we have already established cooperation with many esteemed and respected colleagues who joined the organization of the Conference. It should be noted the fruitful interaction of the University with public authorities, which contributes to the training of graduates in Public Administration and Administration in accordance with the requirements of stakeholders. Today’s conference is being held in the face of challenges and crises, both internal and external, as well as in the context of COVID-19. But this should not interfere with the fulfillment of our mission, “Andriy Vasyliovych said.
At the opening of the conference, the floor was given to government officials, the administration of higher education institutions and other partners and guests of the conference. In particular, the Vice-Rector for Research of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University Victoria Margasova, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Social Protection and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities and Regulation of Their Enterprises and Public Associations wished the participants of the scientific forum fruitful work, creative inspiration, active further cooperation and new scientific achievements. Serhiy Hryvko of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Social Policy and Protection of Veterans’ Rights, Director of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to European Union Standards Maryna Kanavets, Deputy Head of the Interregional Department of the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service in Lviv and Zakarpattia Oblast Mykola Trifimenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Public Administration and Law of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University Dmytro Grytsychen.
Welcoming speeches and speeches on current issues of modern public administration and outlined the prospects for cooperation in this area co-organizers and participants of the Conference from abroad: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Quaestor, Member of the DTI University, Dubnica nad Vagom Petr Jakubek (Slovakia); Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Quality and Development of DTI University, Dubnica nad Váhom Roman Hrmo (Slovakia); Mateusz Piskorski, Doctor of Science, Vice-Rector of the Z. Gloger University of International and Regional Cooperation (Poland); Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Science, Shota Rustaveli Badri Hatchbai State University of Batumi (Georgia); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Logistics of Batumi School of Navigation Ketevan Goletiani (Georgia); doctor of engineering, viit of the community of the Polish city of Hromadka Dariusz Pawliszek (Poland); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, DrHC multi, Representative of the Rector of Akademia Kaliska w Kaliszu Wojciech Slomka (Poland).
After the grand opening of the scientific event, the participants went to the plenary session and directly discuss the problems of public administration and administration. In particular, the researchers reported with presentation materials and discussed current issues of theory and practice of public administration (Professor Ivan Vdovych), of Public Diplomacy, European Union Policy, Greening of Public Administration, Public Administration in Ukraine and in the World in General (Professor Victoria Sychova, Professor Vadym Slyusar, Senior Researcher Natalia Ringach, Associate Professor Igor Kozyura, Senior Researcher Inna Kulish, Associate Professor Larisa Khrystyna Hatalyak), problems and opportunities for the development of territorial communities (Associate Professor Andriy Pelekhaty), requirements for improving the quality of research and vectors of combining efforts of higher education institutions, research institutions, government and local government, business structures and the public to find common effective approaches to solving pressing problems and implementing their results in the practice of public administration.