Guest lecture. Energy policy of Ukraine
On March 15, 2023, students of educational programs (specialty “Public Management and Administration” of the Department of Economics and Public Management together with teachers had the opportunity to listen to a guest lecture by the president of DiXi Group, Olena PAVLENKO.
Events in the field of energy security, the effectiveness of decisions at the level of Ukraine and the EU on energy issues, the current state of domestic energy security under martial law and initiatives to improve it. Activities and participation of state authorities in the development and implementation of energy policy in Ukraine. We discussed this and many other important questions at the guest lecture.
Separate quotes from the lecturer.
“The energy sector is a strategic link in ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy, its environmental and economic security. One of the main tasks of national security is the development of the efficient functioning of the energy system. Ukraine’s energy strategy provides for the creation of conditions for the sustainable development of the national economy, in particular, bringing the energy sector closer to climate neutrality. By 2050, the energy sector should be as close as possible to climate neutrality. Availability of clean energy, overcoming energy poverty, development of an innovative and decentralized energy system, full functioning of national energy markets and their integration into international ones.”
“Energy policy has always been a geopolitical issue, and this has become even more evident because of Russia’s war against Ukraine. For many years, we have discussed the need to reduce our dependence on energy imports from Russia, which has used them as a political weapon.”
«Today, international partners provide significant support to Ukrainian energy companies, whose production facilities were damaged by Russian aggression and missile strikes. The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine collects information from the affected companies regarding their needs, communicates with partners who can provide the appropriate equipment and coordinates their interaction. In this way, the government coordinates the entire process of humanitarian aid for companies of the industrial and energy complex».
We made a practical case about the participation of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Economy and the National Commission for State Regulation in the Energy and Utilities Sectors in the development of energy policy in Ukraine.
Everything will be Ukraine!