At the beginning of November 2022, students of the third year of the UFP-31s group of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” together with the curator of the group O. Reshota visited the History Museum of the Ivan Franko University. The excursion took place as part of the events of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, timed to celebrate the University Days.
The Museum of the History of the Ivan Franko University was founded in 1964 and acts as a specialized museum containing exhibits on the history of the formation and development of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The director of the museum – Yuriy Volodymyrovych Gudyma told the students about the historical stages of the development of the university, prominent scientists, researchers, political figures – graduates of the university.
In order for modern students to be able to contemplate the exhibits of the museum at the university, a search group of highly qualified scientists was created, which step by step collected and formed a modern exposition. The University History Museum contains a portrait gallery of rectors of Lviv University, manuscripts and personal belongings of prominent people, diplomas of graduates and currently famous scientists, awards of honored cultural figures and awards of sports teams, more than five and a half thousand biographies and photos of scientists, as well as ancient devices, tripods for research, seals, vintage chronograph, etc.
The exhibit of the University’s large coat of arms with the image of a shield and two female figures aroused considerable interest among students: the allegory of science and wisdom of Athena and the allegory of vigilance (a woman with a mirror into which a snake looks) and the image of a book with the motto “Patriae decori civibus educandis” (Educated citizens – decoration of the Motherland).
A significant emphasis in the excursion was placed on the figure of the well-known Ukrainian writer, literati, linguist, poet and political figure Ivan Yakovych Franko, who was a student at the University, but due to his political views, which conflicted with the views of the authorities at the time, was excluded from the ranks of first-year students. And today Lviv National University proudly bears the name of Ivan Yakovych Franko.
The Lviv University of our times, as it was many years ago, acts not only as an elite institution of higher education, where students obtained and obtain diplomas, but also as an educational and cultural center of the city of Lviv and Western Ukraine. We express our sincere gratitude to Yuriy Volodymyrovych, director of the Museum of History of the Ivan Franko University Gudyma, for an extremely interesting and informative excursion, and we sincerely hope that our students who attended the excursion today, after a certain period of time, will become famous political figures, state managers, business elite, scientists and researchers and will add their names to the lists of famous graduates of Ivan Franko Lviv National University!
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