“The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors”* (clap) V. Shakespeare
On March 27, 2023, students of the UFOM-11c* group and adviser of the Doctor of Economics, associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control Lyudmila Petryshyn* held an educational event dedicated to the International Theater Day. The chief accountant of the theater named after Maria Zankovetska Halyna Evstakhiivna Kurylo.
The purpose of the event was two-fold: first, establishing fruitful cooperation with employers by holding joint events; secondly – generalization of students’ knowledge about theatrical art; – development of creative abilities of students and enrichment of their emotional and aesthetic experience; – education of spirituality, artistic taste; – increased interest in self-discovery and self-improvement in the field of arts, as well as the desire to attend theater performances.
The educational lesson consisted of two complementary parts. In the first part of the class, the instructor and students demonstrated interesting presentations about: the history of the birth of the theater and the development of theatrical art, the most amazing theaters of the world and Ukraine.
Also, in their reports, special attention was paid to history, prominent figures, famous actors and directors of the National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Maria Zankovetska.
In the second part of the class, the guest lecturer – Halyna Kurylo shared her valuable practical experience and talked about the peculiarities of the organization of accounting, the formation of an accounting policy, structural subdivisions of the theater, specific positions in the staff list, etc. Questions to the lecturer became one of the elements of the class. They touched on the impact of the war on changes in accounting work and the profession as a whole. An interesting presentation of the material, a professional orientation and a democratic way of communicating with students created a special atmosphere of creative dialogue. The theatrical environment itself contributed to that. After all, the accounting department is located in the theater building.
The event left an unforgettable emotional impression on those present, introduced the students to the specifics of the work of the chief accountant of the theater and his role in the management of the enterprise.