Conducting a round table by the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control: Promising areas of accounting, analysis and control: theory and practice for the Festival of Science -2022
In difficult times for Ukraine, the development of science is an important tool for victory and restoration of the country, maintaining the spirit of scientists, teachers and students.
That is why the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko, without departing from tradition, holds in May 2022 the annual Festival of Science, which is joined by all departments of the University.
On May 19, 2022, the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control (within the educational program “Accounting, Analysis and Financial Investigations”) held a round table: Promising areas of accounting, analysis and control: theory and practice, attended by teachers and students.
All reports are relevant: their issues are determined by the conditions of today, and also contains the authors’ views on the problems and prospects of accounting, analysis and control during martial law and in the postwar period in Ukraine.
The department is grateful to the students who actively participated in the round table and prepared meaningful reports. We understand that with such potential future specialists will have someone to restore Ukraine’s economy, contribute to its prosperity and strengthen the position of our state among the world’s leading countries.