Interdepartmental Research Laboratory of Information and Technical Support

  • Про лабораторію
  • Співробітники
  • Методичні матеріали

Interdepartmental training laboratory of information and technical support is a separate structural unit of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business.

The laboratory concentrates servers for access to information resources of the Internet of the Faculty of Financial and Business Management, servers and network equipment of the local network of the Faculty of Financial and Business Management and other equipment related to the use of modern information technologies in teaching and research. The technical support of the laboratory also includes equipment to meet the needs of the departments of the faculty with methodical and blank materials.


завідувачVolodymyr Sytnykзавідувач
Інженер 2 категоріїLydia BudzinІнженер 2 категорії
Старший лаборантIvanya VoronyakСтарший лаборант
ЛаборантLyubov PaukЛаборант

Методичні матеріали