Theory and practice of team building

Type: Normative

Department: department of public administration and business management

Course description


The purpose of the discipline: the formation of students’ competencies in managing the formation and development of teams, diagnosing group problems and developing solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of the team.

The main tasks of the discipline:

– mastering the basics of managing the dynamics, motivation and cohesion of groups;

– mastering the skills of diagnosing the problems of the group and managing the basic conditions of its productivity;

– study of team building tools (testing, diagnostics, team coaching, facilitation of team values ​​and team decision making, practical tasks and games);

– team decision making and team creativity management.

Requirements for knowledge and skills:

As a result of studying the discipline the student must have the following competencies:

Integral competence:

Ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of public administration and administration or in the learning process, which involves the use of theories and scientific methods and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.

General competencies:

– Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.

– Ability to exercise their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values ​​of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.

– Ability to adapt and act in a new situation.

– Ability to identify, pose and solve problems.

– Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of different levels (with experts from other fields of knowledge / activities).

Professional competencies:

– Ability to ensure the appropriate level of development and use of management products, services or processes.

– Ability to develop tactical and operational management plans.

– Ability to prepare draft management decisions and implement them.

– Ability to synthesize management decisions in the field of public administration and business administration in terms of complete and incomplete information.

– Ability to analyze and evaluate social processes, consider social phenomena in specific historical conditions and professional activities.

– Ability to apply the tools of democratic governance in the areas of public administration and administration, social development, public finance, governance in the business environment, communications, constitutional and legal principles of governance, human resource management technologies.

Professional competence acquired by students after studying the discipline:

– Use basic knowledge of historical, cultural, political, social, economic principles of society.

– Understand and use technologies for making, making and implementing management decisions.

– Analyze events and processes in social communities, be able to use historical experience in solving current problems of development of public administration bodies and business structures.

– Use the tools of democratic governance in order to establish collective mental and administrative processes at all levels of government.

– Ability to apply tools to assess resource provision, risks and effectiveness of measures to implement optimal forms and methods of public administration, business structures, to carry out feasibility studies of innovative projects.

Requirements for knowledge and skills:


– concepts, principles and methods of building effective teamwork;

– advantages and limitations of teamwork in the organization;

– classification of group and managerial roles, stages of formation of an effective team;

– factors that affect team performance, leadership mechanisms and

– power, features of joint decision making;

– basic concepts (social ideology, corporate culture, subcultures, crisis and conflict prevention, team, leadership, team building) and basic approaches to their analysis in the socio-cultural sphere;

– the main tasks of corporate culture and its importance for the structures of the socio-cultural sphere;

– factors influencing the features of corporate culture, directions and forms of work on the formation of corporate culture;

– types and strategies of team interaction, as well as the content and psychological foundations of team leadership;

– professionally important qualities and competencies of the leader, necessary for his work in a team;

– team life cycles, crisis of team formation and development in the organization;

– tools for forming team spirit and team structure, stages of team development and basics of group dynamics;

– applied aspects of formation and manifestation of corporate culture and team building in the socio-cultural sphere (in particular, in education, culture and leisure industry, show business, social sphere, activities of public organizations, etc.).

– essence, meaning of the concept of “group dynamics”;

– differences between team and team, team and small group;

– main characteristics of the team;

– main types of groups depending on the level of development of group activity;

– basic principles of team work;

– characteristics of the stages of team formation.

be able to:

– apply specific methods and technologies aimed at improving the efficiency of the team in different periods of its development;

– apply game methods of work, modeling, the method of critical situations, etc.

– in order to develop effective joint decisions in the organization;

– apply the acquired knowledge to conduct a scientific analysis of the state and directions of development of public opinion on cultural policy and the work of relevant services;

– to conduct analytical and research work to assess the state of corporate culture;

– to form corporate culture with the help of studied technologies;

– to transmit values ​​within the organization;

– use corporate culture to strengthen the image of the organization;

– use techniques to change the corporate culture to optimize the organization’s public relations;

– plan to assess the effectiveness of the team, calculate the economic and social efficiency of the team;

– to form a team to solve goals, manage conflicts and stress in the team;

– implement measures related to the organization of information exchange and understanding between individual groups in the team and determine the stage of team development;

– to determine the degree of expression of the competencies of the head, to identify strategies for his thinking;

– analyze, evaluate and develop their own ability to work in a team, manage people, have rational and effective technologies of team building in the socio-cultural sphere, which will complement special knowledge and expand the scope of future professional activity.

– create a team that can act in complex, ambiguous, stressful, conflict situations, where each participant understands and accepts the purpose of teamwork, takes into account the opinion of

Recommended Literature

Recommended Books:

  1. Adizes I. Team leadership. How to communicate with any manager. – K .: Nash format, 2019, – 304 с.
  2. Vinogradova OV, Yevtushenko NO Group dynamics and communication. Textbook.– Kyiv: DUT, 2018. – 223 p. – URL:
  3. Psychology of management: a textbook / RA Kalenichenko, OG Levkina, G. Yu. Mustafayev and others. ; for the head ed. RA Kalenichenko, OG Levkina. – Irpin: University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, 2019. – 256 p. –URL: http: //
  4. Psychology of management in the organization: a textbook / MD Pryshchak, OY Lesko. – [2nd ed., Reworked. and ext.]. – Vinnytsia, 2016. – 150 p. – URL:
  5. Psychology of leadership management: a textbook / Romanovsky OG, Ponomarev OS, Gura TV, Knysh AE, Bondarenko VV. – Kharkiv, 2017 – 100 p.
  6. Pashko LO Self-management of the leader of local self-government (distance course): educational and methodical materials / For general ed. L. O. Pashko. – K., 2017 – 154 p. – URL:
  7. Selyutin VM Self-management [Electronic resource]: textbook. manual / VM Selyutin. – Electron. data. – H.: KhDUHT, 2017. – Access mode: % bc% d0% b5% d0% bd% d0% b5% d0% b4% d0% b6% d0% bc% d0% b5% d0% bd% d1% 82.pdf
  8. Leadership and team in public administration: lecture notes / compilers: KV Taranyuk, JV Kobushko. – Sumy: Sumy State University, 2020. – 175 p. –URL: https: //; jsessionid = 509BF71459C0980E1CB42539C49C8176
  9. Nestulya OO, Nestulya SI, Kononets NV Basics of leadership: an electronic manual for independent work of students. – Poltava: PUET, 2018. – 241 p. – URL:
  10. Fundamentals of Management: Lecture Notes [Electronic resource]: textbook. way. for students majoring in 073 “Management” educational and professional program “Management and Business Administration” / KPI. Igor Sikorsky; compilers: T.V. Perminova.– Electronic text data. Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorsky. 2021.166 s. – URL
  11. Romanova LV Entrepreneurship Management: A Study Guide. – Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature. 2016. S. 240.
  12. Romanovsky OG, Shapolova VV, Kvasnyk OV, Gura TV Psychology of team building: a textbook / Romanovsky OG, Shapolova VV, Kvasnyk OV, Gura TV ; for the head ed. Romanovsky OG, Kalashnikova SV – Kharkiv: Madrid Printing House, 2017. – 92 p. – URL:
  13. Theory and practice of building organizational management systems: Textbook / OP Vashchenko.- Kyiv: DUT, 2017. – 112 p. – URL:
  14. Theory and practice of leadership formation: a textbook / OG Romanovsky, TV Gura, A.Ye. Knish, VV Bondarenko – Kharkiv, 2017 – 100 p. – URL: