The basics of forensics

Тип: На вибір студента

Кафедра: department of accounting, analysis and control

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
827професор Romaniv Y. M.УФО-41с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
818УФО-41спрофесор Romaniv Y. M.

Опис курсу


The basics of forensics

(title of the course)

Selective discipline

(regulatory / selective)

Specialization “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”

(cycle of disciplines in the curriculum)

Subject of the course

The current state of financial, economic, analytical and economic activity of the sectors of economy and business, materials of audits, audits, researches revealing offenses and abuses, illegal use of state property and means.

The purpose of the course

Studying the basics of financial investigations (forensics), knowledge of the theory and practice of analytical studies of accounting and reporting indicators of financial and economic activity of state and commercial structural units.

The main tasks

In the course of studying the discipline, students are tasked with the following tasks:

determine theoretical and methodological principles, modern techniques and methods of analytical work with financial accounting and reporting indicators of economic activity;
be prepared to express the general state and change of operations of financial and economic activity of production structures through the system of accounting and reporting data;
to learn to express practically through the system of financial and economic indicators the real state of an entity and to predict the prospect of its further development;
to gain practical experience in expressing and drawing up objective proposals on the consequences of financial investigations;
be ready to draw concrete conclusions and suggestions on the future prospects of development of state and business entities.

The place of the discipline in the structural and logical scheme of preparation of bachelors / masters

The course “Fundamentals of Forensics” is a selective discipline for the preparation of bachelors of accounting and taxation. Her studies are organically related to such disciplines as “Accounting (General Theory)”, “Financial Accounting”, “Accounting in Economics”, “Business Analysis”, “Public Sector Accounting”, “Management Accounting” »,« Information systems and technologies in accounting and taxation »,« Accounting and reporting in taxation »,« Reporting of enterprises »,« Reporting in the public sector of economy »and others.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

Study of the course “Fundamentals of Forensics” implies the achievement of such a qualification level of training for a specialist, at which he must:

a) to know:

– the main production, financial and reporting indicators of the production enterprise and organization, their interconnections and interdependence between them;

– maximum amount of knowledge in economics, financial law, accounting, financial, managerial and strategic accounting, detailed analytical work of both the holistic entity and its structural units;

– the arsenal and content of financial, accounting, statistical, tax and other reporting of state and non-governmental economic structures, as the main information source for forensics;

– modern methods, principles and forms of detailed substantiation of conclusions for further business management decisions on the implementation of new proposals in terms of identifying reserves for improving the efficiency of business entities;

– specialized tasks and practical problems in professional activity in the field of accounting, auditing and taxation using the theory and methods of economic science;

– current legislation on legal issues regarding the taking of concrete measures of influence to the maximum compensation of the losses and expenses of money and property.

b) be able to:

– thoroughly read and understand thoroughly and possess indicators of primary documents, financial, accounting, statistical, tax, management and other reports;

– to conduct analytical studies of changes in economic processes and phenomena of society at the present stage of its development;

– to make sound, logical and objective conclusions based on the results of the forensic examination;

– make specific business proposals for their implementation in the financial activity of the entity;

– to prepare, on the basis of studies and investigations carried out at the appropriate level, draft management decisions on taking measures of responsibility towards the perpetrators and maximizing the compensation of the damages;

– to find new approaches and proposals to solve specific situational problems in the field of industrial situations and economic development;

– have the skills to develop and apply strategic decisions on the prospective development of a manufacturing enterprise in a specific market environment;

– the ability to be critical and self-critical on the basis of ethical considerations;

– ensure the ability to realize their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to be aware of the values ​​of civil society, the rule of law, freedoms and human and citizen rights in Ukraine;

– to master the method of forecasting the development of an entity for a long-term competitive orientation using modern information systems and communication technologies;

– provide detailed support of forensics (financial investigations) until complete logical conclusion with the obtained results;

– to apply in forensics methods of combating corruption in public procurement, market manipulation, pricing, delivery terms and fraud.

Рекомендована література

  1. Конституція України від 28.06.1996 р. № 254к/96-ВР [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : D1%80
  2. Бюджетний кодекс України від 08.07.2010 р. № 2456-V
  3. Господарський кодекс України від 16.01.2003 р. № 436-ІУ [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :
  4. Податковий кодекс України від 02.12.2010 р. № 2755-VI [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :
  5. Кримінальний кодекс України від 05.04.2001 р. № 2341-III.
  6. Кримінальний процесуальний кодекс України від 13.04.2012 р. № 4651-VI.
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  9. Закон України «Про внесення змін до Закону України «Про бухгалтерський облік та фінансову звітність в Україні» щодо удосконалення деяких положень» від 010. 2017 р.  № 2164-VIII [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : laws/show/2164-19.
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