National security in public administration

Type: Normative

Department: department of public administration and business management

Course description


The purpose of initial discipline

The goal of the educational discipline: formation of a system of special knowledge on the organization of public security systems, taking into account the requirements for the national security system.

The main tasks of the academic discipline:

The main tasks of the academic discipline:

– familiarization with the general basic concepts of the academic discipline;

– analysis of the problems of forming the national security management system;

– familiarization with the main regulatory and legal acts regulating public relations in the field of national security;

– familiarization with the strategies of national security management in foreign countries;

– formation of general ideas about the constituent elements of national security in the context of globalization;

– acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of effectiveness of national security management.

Requirements for knowledge and skills:

  1. a) know:

– the essence of the concepts of “national security of the state”, “national interests”, “material, intellectual and spiritual values ​​of the Ukrainian people”; “threat to national security”; “legal basis of national security”, “objects of national security”, “danger”, differences between them and mechanisms of their influence on various components of national security;

– types of threats to national interests and national security in various spheres;

– according to the type of threats, to know the main directions of the state policy on national security issues in the relevant areas;

– basic principles of ensuring national security;

– the main functions of subjects of ensuring national security;

  1. b) be able to:

– to critically consider problematic issues of the development of the globalized world and public management of processes and relations in the field of national security;

– adhere to the principles, procedures and algorithm of management decision-making in the process of public management and administration in the field of ensuring national security;

– identify, pose and solve applied problems and tasks in the field of public policy development in the spheres of international and European security;

– to select the necessary and relevant quantitative and qualitative information, to make reasonable and unbiased conclusions about the processes of Euro-Atlantic integration based on data analysis;

– to identify, classify and develop hierarchies of threats to national interests;

– justify measures of adequate response to threats to national security.

Recommended Literature

Basic literature

  1. Law of Ukraine “On National Security of Ukraine” dated June 21, 2018 No. 2469-VIII.URL:
  2. On the approval of Methodological recommendations regarding the calculation of the level of economic security of Ukraine No. 1277 of October 29, 2013 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: 131588.html.
  3. On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated January 27, 2016 “On the Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine: Decree of the President of Ukraine dated March 15, 2016 No. 96/2016 URL:
  4. National security: worldview and theoretical and methodological foundations: monograph / by General ed. O. P. Dzobanya. – Kharkiv: Pravo, 2021. – 776 p.
  5. Public administration and national security: a monograph / A. M. Mykhnenko, N. M. Hrushchinska, Y. V. Nesteryak, Y. F. Zhovnirchik, I. I. Deynega, V. P. Prykhodko, M. L. Nizhnikov, E.M. Makarenko, O.V. Polishchuk, I.V. Chibisova; under the editorship Dr. ist. Sciences, Prof. A. M. Mykhnenko and Dr. Econ. of Science, Assoc. N. M. Hrushchynska. — Kyiv: NAU, 2019. — 340 p.
  6. World hybrid war: the Ukrainian front: a monograph / by general ed. V.P. Gorbulina. – K.: NISD, 2017. – 496 p.
  7. Current state, problems and prospects of creation of oil and energy reserves in Ukraine: analyst. report / [Dudkin O. M., Minev A. N., Mitsai A. O. and others]; in general ed. G. L. Ryabtseva and O. M. Sukhodoly. – K.: NISD, 2018. – 160 p.
  8. Tkachuk T.Yu. Ensuring information security in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine: legal dimension: Monograph / T.Yu. Tkachuk – K.: ArtEk Publishing House LLC, 2018. – 411 p.
  9. Antonov V. O. Constitutional and legal foundations of national security of Ukraine: monograph/ V. O. Antonov; of science ed. Yu.S. Shemshuchenko. Kyiv: TALKOM, 2017. 576 p.
  10. Actual issues of combating terrorism in the world and in Ukraine: analyst. report / [Reznikova O.O., Misyura A.O., Dryomov S.V., Voitovskyi K.E.]; in general ed. O.O. Resnikova. – K.: NISD, 2017. – 60 p.
  11. Varnalii Z.S. National security of Ukraine: evolution of domestic policy problems: Elected. of science works / Ed. Z.S. Varnalia. – K.: NISD, 2016. – 528 p.
  12. Vlasyuk O. S. National security of Ukraine: evolution of domestic policy problems: Selected. of science works / O. S. Vlasyuk. – K.: NISD, 2016. – 528 p.
  13. Global and national security: textbook / author. number :V..I. Abramov, H.P. Sytnyk, V.F. Smolyanyuk et al. / for general ed. G. P. Sytnyka. – Kyiv: NADU, 2016. – 784 p.
  14. State policy of ensuring national security of Ukraine: main directions and features of implementation. : monograph / Kryshtanovych M.F., Pushak Y.Ya., Flejchuk M.I., Franchuk V.I. – Lviv: Spolom, 2020. – 418 p.
  15. Demographic security of Ukraine and directions of its regulation: monograph / I.A. Tsvigun. – Kamianets-Podilskyi: D.G. Zvoleyko Publishing House, 2013. – 400 p. 16. Environmental security of Ukraine: Training manual / M. I. Khilko. – K., 2017. – 266 p.
  16. Economic security in Ukraine: states, firms, individuals: [study guide] / N. Y. Reverchuk, Y. M. Malik, I. I. Kulchytskyi, S. K. Reverchuk. – Lviv: LFMAUP, – 192 p.
  17. Economic security of Ukraine: problems and priorities of strengthening // Z.S. Varanlii, D. D. Burkaltseva, O. S. Sayenko. – Kyiv: Knowledge of Ukraine, 2011. – 299 p.
  18. Economic security: education. manual / Z. S. Varnaliy [etc.]; under the editorship Dr. Econ. Sciences, Prof. Z. S. Varnaliya / Z. S. Varnalii. – K.: Znannia, 2009. – 647 p.
  19. Lipkan V. A. National security of Ukraine: [study guide] / V. A. Lipkan. [2nd ed.]. – K.: KNT, 2009. – 576 p.
  20. National security of Ukraine: evolution of domestic policy problems: Selected. of science works / O. S. Vlasyuk. – K.: NISD, 2016. – 528 p.
  21. Ensuring the continuity of the management process in the sphere of national security / [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: 1 2-928b5.pdf
  22. Threats in the field of environmental security and their impact on the state of national security (monitoring of the implementation of the national security strategy) / [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
  23. Threats in the field of environmental and technogenic security and their impact on the state of national security (monitoring of the implementation of the national security strategy) / [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: