Financial control in economic sectors
Тип: Нормативний
Кафедра: department of accounting, analysis and control
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
10 | 3 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
10 | 16 | Array | УФОМ-51с |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
10 | 16 | УФОМ-51с |
Опис курсу
Financial control in the economy
(name of academic discipline)
(normative / selective)
Discipline of specialization “Accounting, analysis and financial investigations
(cycle of disciplines according to the curriculum)
The subject of the discipline
Features of financial and economic activity of enterprises of separate branches: industry, trade, agriculture, construction, transport; methods of organizing and conducting control in these areas.
The purpose of the discipline
Formation of basic knowledge on the features of control of financial and economic activities of certain sectors of the economy, acquisition of skills in drawing up plans and programs that reflect the specifics of financial and economic activities of industry, trade, agricultural enterprises, construction and transport; development of economic thinking of students, the ability to make informed decisions in complex and changing economic conditions, changes in forms of control and methods of improving regulations and legislation.
The main tasks
in – depth study by students of the peculiarities of control of financial and economic activity of separate branches of economy;
acquisition by students of skills in drawing up plans of control of financial and economic operations and the decision of the problems reflecting specificity of financial activity of the industry, trade, the agricultural enterprises, construction, motor transport and sphere of services;
development of students’ economic thinking, ability to make informed decisions in difficult and changing economic conditions;
formation of skills to act adequately in the conditions of market relations, change of forms and methods of organization of control, improvement of normative and legislative acts.
The place of the discipline in the structural and logical scheme of preparation of bachelors / masters
The discipline “Financial control in the fields of economics” is a normative component of the curriculum for the preparation of masters in the specialty 071 accounting and taxation. It is based on knowledge formed in the study of such disciplines as “Management”, “Macroeconomics”, “Microeconomics”, “Finance”, “Accounting”, “Business Analysis”, “Financial Accounting I”, “Financial Accounting II” , “Management Accounting”, “Economic Analysis”, “Fundamentals of Economic Control”, “Public Financial Control” and forms a knowledge base for the study of such disciplines as “Strategic Accounting and Analysis”, “Organization and methods of financial investigations”, “Audit for types of economic activity “,” Accounting in the management of economic entities “.
Requirements for competencies, knowledge and skills
As a result of studying the discipline, the student must have the following competencies:
ability to identify, pose and solve problems.
ability to generate new ideas (creativity).
ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.
ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives).
ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of work performed.
Ability to apply theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the organization of accounting, control, planning and optimization of tax calculations.
Ability to formulate tasks, improve methods and implement modern methods of financial and management accounting, analysis, audit and taxation in accordance with the strategic objectives of the enterprise.
Ability to perform administrative and managerial functions in the sphere of activity of economic entities, public sector bodies.
Ability to carry out activities to advise the owners, management of the enterprise and other users of information in the field of accounting, analysis, control and taxation.
The study of the discipline “Financial control in the economy” involves achieving such a qualification level of graduate training, for which he must:
a) know:
features of accounting and control of non-current assets and inventories, costs and revenues, the order of formation of financial results in industry, trade, agricultural enterprises, construction and transport.
b) be able to:
to make plans of inspections and audits, on features of conducting financial – economic operations in separate branches of economy;
solve typical problems of inventory movement and control, non-current assets, costs, revenues and financial results in industry, trade, agriculture, construction and transport.
Program learning outcomes
Develop and improve their general cultural and professional level, independently master new methods of work and knowledge of a comprehensive vision of modern problems of economics and management.
Know the theory, methodology and practice of forming accounting information at the stages of the accounting process and control for current and potential needs of management entities.
Develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the control system of economic entities.
Substantiate innovative approaches to information support of the system of control over the use of resource potential of economic entities and public sector bodies, taking into account the business development strategy.
Apply scientific research methods in the field of control and taxation and implement them in professional activities and business practice.
Adhere to the norms of professional and academic ethics, maintain a balanced relationship with team members (team), consumers, contractors, contact audiences.
The content of the discipline by topic
Topic 1. Theoretical and methodological principles of financial control in modern conditions.
Topic 2. Financial control in the field of industrial production.
Topic 3. Features of financial control in agriculture.
Topic 4 Financial control in construction.
Topic 5. Financial control of motor transport enterprises and services.
Topic 6. The order of registration and realization of materials of financial control in branches of economy.
Рекомендована література
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Додаткова література
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- Періодичні видання: Фінансовий контроль; Бухгалтерський облік та аудит; Все про бухгалтерський облік; Контроль (журнал для тих, кого перевіряють і для тих, хто перевіряє); Податки та бухгалтерський облік.