Visiting the Museum of the History of the University by first-year students majoring in “Accounting, Analysis and Financial Investigations”

12.09.2021 | 10:06

On September 8, 2021, students of the UFO-11c group together with the Deputy Head of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control of Educational Work, Associate Professor Loboda N. visited the Museum of the History of the University.

Gudima Yu. (Head of the Museum of History of the University) conducted a very interesting and informative tour during which he drew attention to the fact that in 2021 on the occasion of the 360th anniversary of the founding of Lviv University will be festive events. Among their venues will be the Museum of Lviv University, which is one of the oldest university museums in Europe and has one of the most interesting scientifically important collections. The exposition and funds of the museum reflect the history of Lviv University as an educational, scientific and cultural institution.

Among the more than 800 exhibits are a telescope made in London in 1825, portraits of 50 rectors, a working telegraph, a typewriter from the 1960s, and a teaching department that has witnessed thousands of lectures. The most valuable exhibits are diplomas of graduates and scientists from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Polish state and the Soviet Union, documents and personal belongings of prominent people, manuscripts and publications of scientific works, awards of honored figures of education, science and culture, amateur groups and sports teams, works paintings, sculptures, scientific instruments, photographs and other objects related to the history of Lviv University.

Thank you very much for the tour.