Visiting the exhibition of artifacts of war by students of higher education c. UFF-13c OPP “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”

05.06.2024 | 17:45

On June 4, 2024, students of higher education UFF-13c, together with adviser Ulyana Vatamanyuk-Zelinska, visited the exhibition of war artifacts “The Yard of Military Victory”. The purpose of the exhibition was not only to show military equipment, but also to organize a charity fundraiser for the production of meat jerky for military graduates. One of the most significant exhibits of the exhibition was a buggy. Unfortunately, when it comes to the supply of this or that equipment to the Armed Forces, there is usually an increased interest in BBM, armored vehicles, while buggies are always left without due attention. However, these machines are very important for the successful operation of mobile DRG, as well as for covert raids. But the most important thing is that now they do not need to be brought from abroad, as the production of these machines is being adjusted in Ukraine. Therefore, the exhibits that became “witnesses of many heroic moments, including the liberation of cities and the rescue of wounded soldiers” were quickly replaced. Other exhibits of military equipment and ammunition were also presented at the exhibition.
The organization of such an event reflects the great importance of technical support of military operations and the dedication of its participants, who decided to combine the demonstration of equipment with charitable activities. We hope that the charity fundraiser will be useful for our military, and we remain grateful to everyone who took part in this initiative.