In the bounds of the Reporting Scientific Conference of Ivan Franko Lviv National University in 2017 a presentation and discussion of a new series of scientific publications «State and Strategy» (founder of the series, professor Karpinsky B.A.) was held. The monographs by Karpinsky B.A .: «State-creative patriotism of nation: tax dominant» (534 p.) and «Negative synergy: the manifestation of financial productivity of the territory» (116 p.) were considered in the presentation.
«State-creative patriotism of nation: tax dominant» – Monographic research is sent to crystallization of bases of new paradigm of forming of state patriotism already on principles of quantitative (tax) dominant, unlike with stand interpretations and evaluation of state-creative patriotism of nation on the basis of quality indexes. The comparative analysis of row of constitutions in relation to the financial providing of state creation is carried out for the first time. Evolutional digression in pre-conditions of the constitutional formation of state-creative patriotism of nation taking into account possibilities of quantitative criteria is conducted and conception is mine-out, the tool device of evaluation and comparison of just the same patriotism is distinguished. Features are distinguished and the place of this patriotism in the financially-tax mechanism of investment increase is considered. It allows to bring in administrative decisions in forming of state-creative patriotism of nation and corresponding measures in a direction of its activization.
The normatively-legal providing of financially-tax mechanism of investment increase is systematized as active means of realization of state-creative patriotism of nation in transformation-reformative terms. Modern innovations, first of all, tax aspiration, that influence on effectiveness of this patriotism in a dynamics, are complex considered. It is suggested to take into account influence of shadow economy on displacement in the level of this patriotism in separate administrative-territorial units. The methodical recommendations for determination of the main factors of illegal enterprise as financial leverage of increase of tax receivables at development of state-creative patriotism of nation are worked out. First certainly characteristics of state-annexor are reasonable and her influence on state-creative patriotism of nation, in particular, in part of evaluation of financially-resource losses of Ukraine from violation of it territorial integrity and system measures in relation to their decline and neutralization are worked out.
Monographic research is intended for both an academic researchers and workers of state authorities and on the wide circle of curious readers, that aim to understand the state creation sources, forming of national patriotism on the basis of quantitative approach and modern influences on these processes of the already globalized environment, and also possibilities of activation of administrative decisions in this area with the aim of increase of prosperity and longevity of nation.
«Negative synergy: the manifestation of financial productivity of the territory» – Considered and systematized filling multi synergistic processes. Revealed the essence, determined the main tasks, opportunities and risks of negative synergy manifestation in the economic environment for making managerial decisions, due to the non-typical interaction of elements in a system characterized by spatial, temporal accumulation and inability to overcome positive synergy. For the first time, synthesized the indicator system, a formula instrumentation for the correlation of negative synergy and financial productivity of the territory. Generalized characteristics of the synergy manifestation in the financial and economic space, evaluated and compared the manifestation of negative synergy in the financial productivity of a separate region with the divide of regularity.
By the settlement procedures according to the proposed method, we conclude: negative synergy affects the financial productivity of the territory, but depending on the structure of the formed economic complex, this connection in each of the studied regions of Ukraine is different. Highlighted and substantiated the specificity of the synergistic effects manifestation (positive and negative) on the rate of change in the index of financial productivity of the territory.
The monographic research designs for academic researchers and employees of state authorities and for a wide range of inquisitive readers who seek to understand modern approaches in assessing the state of financial and economic space, based on the management decisions made at different levels.