Scientific seminar for graduate students majoring in “Public Administration”
On May 18, 2022, the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv hosted the annual scientific seminar of graduate students of the department, where they can present the results of their research. This form of work with graduate students is effective because reporting at a scientific seminar allows you to get recommendations and comments on dissertation research, identify promising areas of activity and exchange views with fellow scientists.
This year the following topics were discussed:
- “ Decentralization of power as an example of innovation in public administration in martial law .”
Supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Hanna KOMARNYTSKA .
Discussant: Natalia KALAKUN , a third-year graduate student .
- “Theoretical and applied principles of public interaction between the public and local governments . “
Supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Anna KOMARNYTSKA .
Discussant: Roman SAEVYCH , a graduate student of the second year of study .
In addition, graduate students presented the results of their activities for the 2021-2022 academic year, highlighted scientific publications, participation in conferences and university events, the results of information education, prospects for further work. The teaching staff of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management especially noted the relevance and innovation of dissertation research topics and the importance of training future PhDs in Public Administration and Administration . The result of the seminar is:
- approbation of research results;
- motivation to move only in spite of any difficulties!
- The main thing: each topic of graduate students has its own scientific zest, its own super-innovative idea and is waiting for a confident and effective implementation!
The event was held as part of the celebration of the Science Festival – 2022.
The teaching staff of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management took an active part in the discussion, gave appropriate comments, offered scientific ideas and suggestions. At the end of the scientific seminar, graduate students received not only the exchange of information from a scientific point of view, but also from a practical one.