Non-formal education in the educational process of bachelors of the ЕPP “Information technologies in business” specialty 051 “Economics”

10.05.2024 | 13:54

During March-April 2024, students of higher education at the first (bachelor) level of higher education studying at the ЕPP “Information Technologies in Business” specialty 051 “Economics” acquired new and improved existing professional skills and abilities necessary for self-realization and employment in areas related to the development of information systems and the use of information technologies in various sectors of the economy, management and business.

In particular, within the framework of studying the educational component “Object-oriented programming” (teacher – professor Iryna SHEVCHUK), students of the UFE-21c group successfully completed a number of online courses and received personal certificates:

1) courses on the educational platform Codefinity (

  • Java Essentials (Pavlo MUSYANOVYCH)
  • C++ for beginners (Pavlo MUSYANOVYCH)
  • SQL from Zero to Hero (Pavlo MUSYANOVYCH)

2) courses on the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus (

  • Machine learning (Iryna PANCHENKO, Viktoriya TESLYUK, Bohdan CYACYAK)
  • Digital security on a personal level (Serhiy BUDZYAK, Iryna KRECHETOVA, Iryna PANCHENKO)
  • Getting started with ChatGPT (Bohdan CYACYAK)
  • Java programming: software (Bohdan CYACYAK)

3) courses for data analysts from DataCamp (

  • Case Study: Ecommerce Analysis in Power BI (Iryna KRECHETOVA)
  • Data Preparation in Power BI (Iryna KRECHETOVA)
  • Data Visualization in Power BI (Iryna KRECHETOVA)
  • Introduction to Power BI (Iryna KRECHETOVA)
  • Trend Analysis in Power BI (Iryna KRECHETOVA)

4) a course from LITS on the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus (

  • The basics of managing teams and projects in IT (Inga KOSTROVA, Victoria TESLYUK, Bohdan СYAСYAK)

5) course provided by ITArts through the Prometheus massive open online course platform (

  • Digital communications in the global space (Viktoria TESLYUK, Inga KOSTROVA, Iryna PANCHENKO, Serhii BUDZYAK)

Therefore, successful completion of the courses will strengthen the special competencies of the educational program “Information Technologies in Business” acquired during the training process.:

  • The ability to use packages of applied programs for the analysis and forecasting of socio-economic phenomena, modeling of business processes and the results of the activity of economic objects, as well as mastering and using modern technologies of automated processing of information, modeling of objects and processes.
  • Understanding of the fundamental theoretical foundations of the behavior of individuals and business entities in cyberspace, as well as the ability to identify modern socio-economic challenges, assess the potential and limits of digitization of the economy, justify measures and develop project solutions to improve the effectiveness of business structures in the conditions of digital transformations and ensure information and digital security.
  • Ability to design and administer databases, develop information systems or their fragments to solve complex economic problems.
  • Ability to analyze business processes and carry out digital business transformation.