22.02.2023 | 14:20

“Language is the destiny of our people

and it depends on how zealously

we will all cherish her”

Oles Honchar

On February 21, 2023, as every year, the world celebrates International Mother Language Day. The adviser of the UFP-31s group, associate professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, Olena Reshota, held an educational event for students of the “Public Administration and Business Management” educational program dedicated to the celebration of this event.

International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by the UNESCO General Conference on November 17, 1999 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism in the world. In Ukraine, International Mother Language Day has been celebrated since 2002 in order to strengthen the state-building function of the Ukrainian language.

The issues of support and comprehensive development of the Ukrainian language are extremely urgent in the conditions of full-scale military aggression and daily enemy encroachments on the independence, territorial integrity of our state and the national identity of the Ukrainian people. After all, it is the language that acts as the genetic code of the nation, the worldview and history of the people, the intellectual and spiritual result of the long-term evolution of each ethnic group.

During the educational event, the adviser of the group revealed the tragic history of the International Mother Language Day, revealed the historical stages of the struggle of Ukrainian society for the opportunity to freely communicate, write, and publish books in the Ukrainian language. The interesting facts about the Ukrainian language, the alphabet, the first historical references and peculiarities of the Ukrainian language, which are not common to other Slavic languages, were aroused by the students’ keen interest.

Preserving and multiplying the native language is the duty of every conscientious person, because the native language is the language of the nation, the language of our ancestors, which connects each of us with previous generations and allows us to nurture the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people for future generations.


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