Application of elements of non-formal education in the educational process
The combination of formal and non-formal education helps students expand their educational opportunities. If formal education is provided by obtaining a high-quality higher education at the Master’s level OPP “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”, then informal education, as an additional form of educational services, makes it possible to expand the boundaries of assimilation of professional experience depending on the interests of student youth.
Completing the study of the academic discipline “Budget Management” (teacher – Professor Ulyana Vatamanyuk-Zelinska), students of the second (master’s) level of higher education of the UFFM-11z group had the opportunity to expand and deepen their professional competences, as well as satisfy their own educational interests, by successfully completing such online -courses:
– “Effective budget process in local self-government bodies” (Bohdana Kravchenko, Diana Foltovych, Iryna Polovchak);
– “Creation of institutions for local economic development of communities” (Karyna Mishchenko);
– “Decentralization in Ukraine – theory and practice” (Lyubov Sheremet).
Certificates issued to applicants by the Association of Cities of Ukraine through the Prometheus mass open online course platform certify the acquisition of competencies that will enable them to adapt to professional activities. Such experience is especially important for future specialists with new views and a way of thinking about the management of budget funds, capable of professionally solving the problems facing the state and able to protect its interests.
Informal education becomes one of the important forms of development of competences acquired in formal education and, at the same time, it contributes to the development of new ones, which significantly increases the competitiveness of our graduates.