Jean Monnet Module “Urban Revitalization – EU experience for Ukraine” (EUREVIT)
The aim of the Jean Monnet module is to hold a summer school “Urban Revitalization – EU experience for Ukraine” (EUREVIT) for students, teachers, local self-government bodies, businesses and the public in order to form knowledge about the EU policy on urban renewal and their sustainable development. The summer school will provide its participants with new competencies and stimulate European Union research in this field. In Ukraine, there is a huge demand for the creation of a high-quality city development policy, while the EU has considerable experience and good practice.
Information about the project:
- news of the faculty
- news of the University
- description of the project on the International Office page
- Facebook group
The Faculty of Financial Management and Business of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv will soon become the site for the implementation of a new educational project – the summer school “City revitalization – EU experience for Ukraine”. This project is one of the winners of the Jean Monet 2020 Erasmus+ program.
The project team included the head of the financial management department, professor Nataliya Sytnyk, assoc. professor of the department Olga Sych (coordinator) and assoc. professor Vira Kruhlyakova.
Note that this is not the first achievement of the faculty in the field of international scientific cooperation. With the support of the Department of International Relations of the University, teachers of faculty departments are deepening integration into the modern European educational space. Thus, only in the 2019/2020 academic year, the projects “Successful Woman in Business” were completed with the support of the US Embassy in Ukraine, the Jean Monet Module “Economics in European Integration: Internal Challenges and the External Dimension”, the Jean Monet Center of Excellence project “Western Ukrainian Research Center” is being implemented from European studies”. As part of the academic mobility program “Erasmus+”, international internships of students and teachers of the faculty are constantly taking place.
Jean Monet’s module “Urban Revitalization – an EU Experience for Ukraine” provides a summer school for students, teachers, representatives of local self-government, business and civil society. The purpose of the school is to spread knowledge about the EU policy on sustainable development and urban revitalization. The project will stimulate the study of the practices of the European Union in this area, will contribute to the acquisition of new competencies by school participants. Considerable experience in the revitalization of territories owned by the EU will be implemented in the development of strategies for the revitalization of Ukrainian cities.
The project team expresses its gratitude to the dean of the faculty Andriy Stasyshyn for creating favorable conditions for the preparation of similar projects; the coordinator of Erasmus+ programs of Lviv University, Oksana Kraevska, and the head of the Western Ukrainian Research Center for European Studies, Oksana Golovko-Gavrysheva, for their advice and support.
November 26, 2020
In Brussels, Belgium, an orientation meeting of the EU Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EASEA) was held online for representatives of the winning teams of the 2020 EU Erasmus+ Program, Jean Monnet competition.
The main purpose of the event is to acquaint the representatives of the teams with the specifics of implementing Jean Monnet projects, to provide advice on current issues and to establish cooperation with the coordinators.
The event was attended by the coordinator of the “Urban revitalization – EU experience for Ukraine” project, associate professor Olga Sych.
December 3, 2020
On the ZOOM platform, the National Erasmus+ office held an online event “DAY OF EU ERASMUS+ PROGRAM WINNERS TO JEAN MONET: how to successfully implement the project.”
The event was organized by the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and with the support of the Representation of the European Union in Ukraine. Members of the project team “Revitalization of cities – EU experience for Ukraine” took part in the event.
Olga Sych, associate professor at the Department of Financial Management – project manager, carries out project management, preparation and translation of documents and reports; participates in working meetings; organises roundtables, prepares materials for the handbook; holds lectures and seminars within the summer schools; conducts research and publishes articles; presents the project.
Andriy Stasyshyn, associate professor and Dean of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business, participates in working meetings, roundtables, and summer schools and prepares materials for the handbook.
Nataliya Sytnyk, professor and head of the Department of Financial Management, takes part in working meetings and roundtables, prepares materials for the handbook and article, and conducts seminars for the summer school.
Vira Kruhlyakova, assistant at the Department of Financial Management, takes part in meetings, fills out the website, prepares presentation material, posts announcements and news reports, conducts summer school seminars, and prepares materials for the handbook and article.
Oksana Krayevska, associate professor at the Faculty of International Relations, Erasmus + coordinator in Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, provides consultations regarding the implementation of the project at the University, participates in working meetings on the project, prepares lectures within the framework of the summer school.
Olga Petyak, the deputy chief accountant, participates in working meetings, keeps accounting records of project costs, and organises payments.
Section number 6 “Sustainable development and revitalization of cities: experience of the European Union for Ukraine” is planned within the conference, which is held within the Jean Monnet Module project.
Participation in the conference is remote and free of charge.
Publications of the conference /2023/09/Zbirnyk_02.2021_ost.pdf.
Presentation of the Project
On February 25, 2021, a round table dedicated to the presentation of the project “Urban revitalization – EU experience for Ukraine” (“EVREVIT”) (Jean Monet module of the “Erasmus+” program) was held at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management.
The dean of the faculty and a member of the project team Andriy Stasyshyn made an opening speech, who, in particular, outlined the importance of the project’s subject matter and emphasized the faculty’s significant achievements in European studies.
The representative of the national office “Erasmus +”, the leading specialist in the direction of Jean Monet Petro Kraynik, after congratulating the participants of the event, wished everyone fruitful work, successful results and their further distribution outside the University.
The head of the Department of Financial Management, Professor Nataliya Sytnyk, introduced the participants to the activities of the Department, in particular to the previous international projects implemented on its basis, and pointed to the considerable experience and achievements of the team in the field of European studies. Nataliya Sytnyk also invited the participants to further cooperation within the framework of similar projects.
The representative of the Jean Monet Western Ukrainian Center of Excellence, associate professor Vasyl Zelenko, spoke about another project successfully implemented at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management in 2016-2019 under the Jean Monet program – “Economics in European Integration: Internal Challenges and External Dimensions”. Vasyl Zelenko also expressed his belief in the need for further synergy between existing and new European-themed projects.
Project coordinator Olga Sych and project team member Vira Kruglyakova presented the content and stages of project implementation. In addition, the speakers presented the main goals and objectives of “EVREVIT”.
The purpose of the Jean Monnet Module is to hold a summer school “Urban revitalization – the EU experience for Ukraine” for students, teachers, local self-government bodies, businesses and the public in order to form knowledge about the EU policy on urban renewal and their sustainable development.
The goals of “EVREVIT” are:
- development and teaching of an innovative course on EU urban policy;
- improvement and dissemination of knowledge among students, young researchers, politicians, society as a whole on issues of European integration;
- conducting research on the European development of cities;
- acquisition of practical skills by conducting practical seminars on the best practices of EU countries regarding urban revitalization;
- promotion of active citizenship and EU values.
The round table was attended by students and teachers of the Faculty of Finance and Business, higher education institutions of Kyiv, Lviv, Sloviansk, Izmail, Vinnytsia, representatives of public organizations
Dissemination of information about the project
On April 21, 2021, assistant professor of the Department of Financial Management Olga Sych took part in the plenary session of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Issues of Economy, Accounting, Finance and Personnel Management” and presented the Jean Monet Module project “City Revitalization – EU experience for Ukraine”. which is implemented at the Faculty of Management and Business of I. Franko LNU with the support of the EU.
Dissemination of information about the project
Dissemination of information about the project
On December 10, 2021, a presentation of the Jean Monet projects of the Erasmus + program, which are implemented at IFNUL and exchange of experience with foreign partners.
On December 10, 2021, at the Faculty of International Relations of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, a meeting of Jean Monet project coordinators was held at Lviv University with the head of the political science department of Vytautas the Great Kaunas University (Kaunas, Lithuania), professor of the Jean Monet department Mindaugas Yurkinas, who is the coordinator of the Jean Monnet Chair with a specialization in European Union studies “EU – internal Europeanization and small states” project (2020-2022).
On June 27, 2022, the 2nd Summer School “Urban Revitalization – EU experience for Ukraine” ended, which was held for a week at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management. The event was implemented as part of the Jean Monet Module of the Erasmus+ program with the support of the EU (Urban Revitalization – the EU experience for Ukraine 620957-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). Teaching at the school was moderated by assistant professors of the Department of Financial Management Olga Sych and Vira Kruglyakova.
In his welcoming speech, the dean of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of LNU named after Ivan Franko Andrii Stasyshyn drew attention to the growing relevance of the Summer School theme, because in the conditions of a full-scale war with Russia, not only post-industrial facilities and territories, but also entire cities and regions of Ukraine suffering from military actions, will require restoration.
Petro Kraynik, an expert in the Jean Monet direction of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine, in his address, supported the efforts of Lviv University in implementing European practices, and also emphasized the exceptional role of student youth in creating projects for the restoration of sovereign Ukraine.
The head of the Department of Financial Management, Professor Nataliya Sytnyk, also took part in the events, who emphasized the importance of financial aspects of implementing revitalization programs and the need to find appropriate resources from diversified sources.
More than half a hundred students of various specialties of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and representatives of other educational institutions, including teachers and practitioners who are interested in the EU policy on urban renewal and their sustainable development, participated in the school.
The program of the Summer School was rich: lectures and seminars, trainings and workshops, meetings and analysis of the best cases of revitalization,
The speaker of the Summer School, in particular, was Orest Hryniv, head of the Department of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Investment Policy of the Lviv Regional Military Administration. During his speech, he focused on such topical issues as the investment attractiveness of the Lviv region, key areas of cooperation with the European Union, strategies for the formation and operation of technology parks, as well as the relocation of enterprises in wartime conditions.
The school participants became interested in a meeting with the head of the “Strategy” program at the Institute of the City, Andriy Pundor, dedicated to discussing the development strategy of the city of Lviv – “Strategy of Breakthrough”.
The lecture of the institutional coordinator of the Erasmus+ program at the University of Lviv, assistant professor Oksana Kraevska, on the relations between Ukraine and the EU, was extremely relevant, which made it possible to set global priorities for the development of our state, in particular in the field of revitalization.
In addition, the participants of the school met with the professor of LNU named after Ivan Franko by Oksana Hnatkovich, who is also the director of the Public Organization “Green Economy”. During the meeting, European practices of urban revitalization with a focus on the creative industry were discussed.
Students of the 2nd Summer School got acquainted with the essence of urban development policy in the EU, types and methods of urban revitalization, and sources of its financing. During the practical sessions, the stages of development of the city revitalization program were considered, Ukrainian realities were evaluated and modern trends in the revitalization of European cities were analyzed. Daily meetings with experts allowed the participants to delve into the Ukrainian experience of revitalization processes, in particular, the cases of JamFactory and Kivsh were studied.
At the end, the school participants presented their own projects of revitalization of cultural heritage sites, post-industrial areas and elements of the ecosystem, demonstrating successful assimilation of the material and its successful implementation into practical results. The head of the Department of Financial Management, Professor Nataliya Sytnyk, noted the high-quality preparation and confident defense of the projects, and the participants of the school took part in a survey about its results, emphasizing the professionalism of the project team and the innovativeness of the school’s material.
According to the Dean of the Faculty Andrii Stasyshin, the knowledge acquired during the Summer School, confirmed by a European-style certificate, will allow students to deepen their knowledge of the European experience of urban revitalization, encourage the implementation of their own projects and form an active civic position of young people who, after victory, will restore Ukraine .
On August 28, 2022, the lecture “City revitalization – investments, new industrialization, creative economy” was delivered for the participants of the EU Study Days Summer School (lecturer – Associate Professor Olga Sych).
EU Study Days (Euroschool) is an educational project that gives Ukrainian students and university graduates the opportunity to learn more about the European Union. The project of the Representation of the European Union in Ukraine, which is carried out by the Ukrainian Educational Reform Center.
The listeners learned about the essence and types of revitalization, its sources and best European practices. At the end, the participants generated their own ideas for the revitalization of their hometown and learned about Jean Monet’s Module “Urban Revitalization – EU experience for Ukraine”, which is being implemented at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of LNU.
Students’ research within the project
Students were interested in the theme of revitalization – student research was prepared on the topic of the project in the form of term papers (7 papers) and master’s papers (1 paper).
Also, a bachelor’s degree holder Korzh M. prepared a work for the international competition of student works on the subject of the EU (2022) and won a prize. More details at the link:
Round table: “Experience of introducing educational courses
related to the EU”
On May 11, 2023, the Faculty of Financial Management and Business of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Department of Financial Management held a round table: “Experience of introducing educational courses related to the EU”.
The event took place within the framework of the implementation of the European Union Program Erasmus+ project of the Jean Monnet Module “Urban Revitalization – the EU experience for Ukraine 620957-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE”.
The round table was organised by the project team together with the Department of Financial Management, with the participation of the Western Ukrainian Research Center for European Studies, and with the support of the public organisations “Green Economy of Ukraine”, “APREI”, “Ukrainian Association of European Studies”.
The event was attended by more than 50 teachers and administrative staff of higher education institutions, post-graduate students and masters, members of public organisations representing 11 universities – Lviv National University named after I. Franko, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv University of Trade and Economics, State Tax University, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, National Aviation University, Dnipro State Technical University, KhNUMG named after OHM. Beketov, Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after I. Ohienko, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas and Khmelnytskyi National University.
During the event, the Dean of the Faculty, Associate Professor Andrii Stasyshyn, and the Head of the Department of Financial Management, Professor Nataliya Sytnyk, made an opening speech.
The institutional coordinator of the Erasmus+ program at the University, associate professor of the Department of European and Regional Studies Oksana Krayevska presented the report “Implementation of educational and scientific projects in the field of European studies at Ivan Franko Lviv National University”.
The coordinator of the project, associate professor Olga Sych spoke on the topic “Networks and tools for studying EU best practices in the field of sustainable city development.”
A member of the project team, associate professor Vira Kruhliakova outlined the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization and its use in teaching EU-related subjects.
An interdisciplinary approach in teaching European Studies was presented by Associate Professor Vasyl Zelenko (Vasyl Zelenko). “Innovation in the teaching of disciplines related to the EU” is the topic of the report of the coordinator of the Jean Monet Module project “Creative industries: European experience” by professor Oksana Hnatkovych.
During the event, the participants got acquainted with the experience of implementing European studies at IFNUL, learned about successful cases and methods of teaching disciplines related to the EU, and got the opportunity to join future projects on European studies.
Participants of the round table received certificates.
Dissemination of information about the project
As part of the “4EU+ for Ukraine” project with the support of NAWA (National Agency for Academic Exchanges of Poland), Olga Sych took part in the international educational event “4EU+ for Ukraine Education Days”, which took place on June 19-21, 2023 at the University of Warsaw (Poland). Within the framework of the event, the introduction of innovative teaching methods in the Jean Monet Module “Urban revitalization – EU experience for Ukraine” was presented
Publications of the Jean Monet Module “Urban Revitalization – the EU experience for Ukraine” 620957-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE
During the implementation of the project, in addition to educational activities, scientific research was conducted. A number of publications were planned and carried out. Namely, the section of the monograph authored by Professor Natalia Sytnyk and Associate Professor Olga Sych.
Regional policy of Ukraine in the context of European experience: making sense of best practices / Sytnyk, N.S., Sych O.A. // International practices in the field of European studies: Ukrainian experience – Lviv: IFNUL, 2023. – P. 96-107. – ISBN 978-617-10-0794-9. –
An article was published in an international journal indexed in Scopus.
Sych, O. Kruhliakova, V. Application of EU Programs and Financial Instruments for Ukraine. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration. – 2023. – 31(1). – 1680 (1-17) – DOI:
The result of the project’s research was the preparation of a study guide by the author’s team N. Sytnyk, A. Stasyshyn, Sych. O. and Kruglyakova V.
Revitalization of cities – experience of the European Union for Ukraine / O. A. Sych, N. S. Sytnyk, A. V. Stasyshyn, V. V. Kruglyakova – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University, 2023. – 312 c.Ревіталізація міст
The project team published research related to the project, in particular:
- N. Sytnyk, V. Humeniuk, O. Sych, N. Hlevatska (2022) Revitalization of Rural Areas of the Carpathian Region in the Context of EU Macro–Regional Strategy Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning. Vol. 13, No. 1 pp. 33–44.
- Sych, O. Impact investments for the post-war revitalization of Ukrainian cities / Sych, O., Pasinovych, I., Myshchyshyn, I. // Halytskyi economic bulletin of the Ternopil National Technical University. – 2023. – 81, 2. – P. 71-82. – DOI:
- Sych, O. (2020). Revitalization as a Component of Urban Strategy. Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Economic Series, (99), 66-73.
Dissemination of information about the project
On July 19, 2023, the features of the implementation of the Jean Monet Module “Urban revitalization – the EU experience for Ukraine” were presented during the IV international workshop “Disciplinary challenges in the field of European integration: the experience of post-socialist countries”
Dissemination of information about the project
The participation of Olga Sych in the annual congress of the UAES on October 26-27, 2023, with the presentation of the results of the study “EU financial instruments for sustainable development – the experience of the Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine”, carried out within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module.