Your success is our priority (participation in a webinar from ESCI-CONSULTING LLC)
October 27, 2021 Associate Professor of Accounting, Analysis and Control Lyudmila Petryshyn and students of OS “Bachelor” group UFO – 31c specialty 071 “Accounting and Taxation” took part in the online webinar “Innovations in paperwork. Current issues of salary payments. Electronic Hospital “, which was conducted by LLC” ICI-CONSULTING “(Zhytomyr), which specializes in providing a range of professional services for accounting, consulting in the field of accounting and tax accounting, organization and conduct of seminars and trainings on accounting and taxation.
The moderator of the event was the head of the company – Inna Panchenko. The program of the webinar included a discussion of a number of topical issues that are useful for students in the study of this academic semester of the discipline “Legal Documentation”, in particular: new requirements for organizational and administrative and other documents valid from 01.09.2021, requirements for electronic primary documents and a number of other issues related to personnel document management, features of work with electronic hospitals and their payment, etc.
At the end of the webinar, the moderator stressed that the participation of students in such events is seen as a social project that will promote the profession of accountant, the formation of applicants for professional competencies and create conditions for cooperation between education and business. The course teacher and students agreed that such mutually beneficial cooperation should be further continued and expanded and thanked the organizers.