

07.12.2018 | 12:19

On November 27, 2018, a meeting of the first-year students (UFO-11s) with a practical psychologist, an employee of  the psychological service of Ivan Franko LNU S. V.  Nezabitovska took place. The meeting was organized by the Deputy Head of the Department on educational work, associate professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing N. O. Loboda.During the adaptation training for the first-year students, various issues which the first-year students meet with, in particular: to learn more about each other, to...

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Meeting of the Board of Advisers in the format “The World Café” on “Resource Teacher”

04.12.2018 | 21:35

On November 28, the meeting of the Board of Advisers was held at the Faculty of Financial Management and Business.This time the meeting was held in the format of the “World Cafe” (The World Café). The World Cafe method involves the interaction of all participants through a large-scale and  multi-level dialogue, aimed at a wide exchange of thoughts, ideas and experiences.This method is used to: wake up and detect collective intelligence that exceeds any particular theory or intellect of an...

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Debatable club «Modification of Public Management in the Context of Eurointegration Processes» (Festival of Science – 2018)

21.05.2018 | 10:00

During celebration of Festival of Science by the department of economy and management of faculty of financial management and business on May, 17 2018 a debatable club «Modification of public management in the context of eurointegration processes» was conducted.
Students of 1, 2, 4 and 5 courses of different specialities, and also graduate students and lectors of department became the participants of debatable club.

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Changes in Ukraine are possible if young people are involved in these processes today

04.05.2018 | 20:54

   On May 4, 2018, the Ukrainian Youth Leadership Forum organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine together with the Ukrainian Leadership Academy and with the support of the Lviv Regional State Administration was launched at the Lviv Arena. The All-Ukrainian Youth Forum of Responsible Leadership brought together 350 people from all over Ukraine, among which active participants were students and lecturers of the specialty “Public management and Administration”.
Young people understand that Ukraine needs leaders who...

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Seminar-training “Preparation and presentation of defense of qualifying (master’s) work”

04.05.2018 | 20:22

   Graduate students today face an important task on time and efficiently write qualification (master’s) work, which will become a result of their studies at the university and allow members of the Examination Commission during the protection work to assess not only the knowledge of graduates of Master, but their scientific competence. However, each graduate student faces a problem – how to prepare a statement in defense of the qualifying (master’s) work. In other words – how best to communicate...

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