Scientific and methodological seminar of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics on the topic “Informal Education and Acquisition of Soft Skills”
On December 17, 2024, a scientific and methodological seminar was held by the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on the topic: “Informal Education and Acquisition of Soft Skills”.
The seminar discussed:
- how informal education of higher education students contributes to the development of Soft skills;
- reasons and directions of informal learning;
- forms and formats of informal learning;
- the impact of digital technologies on Soft skills learning;
- interactive online platforms on which education students most often take courses;
- the procedure for recognizing learning outcomes obtained in informal education at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
- the content of supplements to syllabi and work programs for educational components regarding the recognition of learning outcomes obtained in informal education;
- the content of supplements to syllabi and methodological recommendations for the implementation, design and defense of course works regarding the recognition of learning outcomes obtained in informal education.
The head of the department, Professor Iryna SHEVCHUK, guarantor of the educational program “Information Technologies in Business” specialty 051 “Economics” of the second (master’s) level of higher education, emphasized that training in educational programs is closely related to the development of Soft skills, since the modern digital economy requires not only technical knowledge, but also effective communication, leadership, teamwork and time management. The OPP implemented by the department provide for the mastery of such skills as business analytics, project management and the implementation of IT solutions, which require a high level of emotional intelligence and the ability to interact with different teams.
Informal education, such as trainings, webinars or courses, allows students to supplement their university knowledge with practical tools that they can apply in real projects. For example, simulation games or time management workshops provide an opportunity to practice working in stressful situations or with limited resources.
For students of such OPP, it is important to develop critical thinking and adaptability, which contributes to effective problem solving in a dynamic digital environment. Additional training in informal formats allows them to master new approaches to decision-making and the formation of business strategies. Skills such as conflict management and creativity are key to the successful implementation of innovations, especially in the context of business digitalization.
Associate Professor Ihor ROMANУCH, guarantor of the educational program “Information Technologies in Business” specialty 051 “Economics” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education, noted that informal education helps students establish contacts with industry professionals, which can become an important resource for their future career. Thanks to this, they better adapt to the requirements of the modern labor market, become competitive specialists capable of working both in large companies and in startups.
The teaching staff of the department also agreed that the integration of formal and informal education creates a comprehensive approach to the professional development of higher education students.
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