Stock Internet trading

Type: For the student's choice

Department: department of financial management




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
916Associate Professor Grudzevuch UljanaУФФМ-51с, УФФМ-52с

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
916УФФМ-51сAssociate Professor Grudzevuch Uljana
916УФФМ-52сAssociate Professor Grudzevuch Uljana

Course description

The discipline “Internet Exchange Trading” is an elective discipline in the specialty 072 “Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market” for the educational program “Finance, Customs and Taxation”, which is taught in the 1st semester in the amount of 4 credits (according to the European Credit Transfer System – ECTS).

The discipline is designed to provide participants in the educational process with the opportunity to master the methods and techniques of fundamental and technical analysis and their practical application in making informed management decisions in financial markets when conducting online trading.

The purpose of studying the discipline “Exchange Internet trading” is to familiarize students with the impact of international financial markets on the national economy, as well as to familiarize with the methods of forecasting the dynamics of financial markets, trading and analytical systems used in this process for practical investment in the instruments of the stock and international currency markets using trade information systems.

Objectives of the discipline:

– to form an idea of the current state and role of financial markets;

– to reveal the essence and methods of forecasting the price dynamics of international financial markets;

– to promote the acquisition of practical skills of exchange activities;

-to learn to apply the basic principles and methods of forecasting in financial markets;

-to master the analytical and trade information systems used for this purpose.

Recommended Literature

  1. Сохацька О.М., Панасюк В.М., Роговська-Іщук І.В., Вінницький С.І. Фундаментальний та технічний аналізи міжнародних ринків. Тернопіль: ЗУНУ, 2022. 309 с.
  2. Писарєв О.Літня школа трейдингу: як стати трейдером «з нуля» (Спецпроект Міністерства фінансів України (2023)
  3. Про ринки капіталу та організовані товарні ринки Закон України Редакція від 04.2024