Labor market and employment policy in the IT sphere
Тип: На вибір студента
Кафедра: department of digital economics and business analytics
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
3 | 4 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
3 | 16 | Vaskiv O. M. | УФЕ-21с |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
3 | 16 | УФЕ-21с | Vaskiv O. M. |
Опис курсу
Today, in connection with the fundamental restructuring of the system of economic relations, the most significant transformations are taking place precisely in the labor market, affecting the interests of millions of people – the subjects of these relations. This places increased demands on the training of specialists with higher education, who have to solve extremely important and complex problems of increasing the efficiency of the labor market and harmonizing social and labor relations at all levels. Accordingly, there is a need for a qualitatively new approach to teaching the discipline.
Research and analysis of the current state of the labor market in the IT industry is necessary for the formation of effective strategies for the preservation of personnel potential and the development of a policy of adaptation to new challenges. In the conditions of military operations, maintaining the dynamics of the development of the information technology industry, which involves many highly qualified workers, is a guarantee of economic growth and innovative development of Ukraine.
The subject of the academic discipline is the study of the labor market and employment policy in the IT sphere .
The purpose of the educational discipline is to provide students with the opportunity to master the system of knowledge about the labor market (LP) and skills and abilities in the field of formation and regulation of its mechanisms, in particular, in determining the place of the labor market in the country’s economic system; disclosure of the concepts of regulation of social and labor relations, the mechanism of self-regulation, state and collective agreement regulation of the labor market, models of regulation of the labor market in the IT sphere, methods of state regulation of the labor market, the main directions and principles of modern employment policy.
Main tasks : assimilation by students of knowledge about the theoretical provisions of the labor market and employment policy in the IT sphere, mastering the skills and abilities to apply this knowledge in the practice of regulating labor market mechanisms at the level of the IT industry; development of students’ abilities for scientific and research activity, independence and responsibility .
The place of the educational discipline in the structural and logical scheme
The discipline “Labor market and employment policy in the IT sphere” is based on such educational disciplines as “Information and communication technologies”, “Introduction to the profession”, “Modeling and automation of business processes”, “IT law”, ” Competitiveness of IT enterprises » “Management in IT”.
Requirements for knowledge and skills
a) know :
- the main components of the labor market of the IT sphere and its employment policy;
- concepts and signs of segmentation of the IT labor market;
- the functioning mechanism of the IT labor market;
- peculiarities of the laws of supply and demand in the labor market of the IT sphere and the employment policy of the IT sphere;
- concepts and features of the formation of the price and value of the labor force of the IT sphere;
- concepts, types and indicators of employment and unemployment of the population;
- information and infrastructural provision of the IT labor market;
- methods of forecasting labor supply and demand in the market;
- peculiarities of market self-regulation of the labor market;
- methods of state regulation of the labor market;
- the mechanism of collective agreement regulation of the labor market, etc.
b) be able to :
- carry out segmentation of the labor market of the IT sphere according to various characteristics;
- monitor the labor market situation in the IT sphere;
- to form the necessary information for the analysis of the labor market of the IT sphere;
- determine and analyze indicators of demand and supply in the labor market (both aggregate and current) of the IT sphere;
- evaluate the impact of the price and cost of labor on the demand and supply of labor in the IT sphere;
- understand the problems and ways to overcome various types of unemployment;
- justify the directions of state and collective agreement regulation of the labor market.
Рекомендована література
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Auxiliary literature:
- Constitution of Ukraine. – 1996.
- Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine dated March 25, 2006
- About population employment. Law of Ukraine dated 01.03.91. – Collection of legislation of Ukraine – vol. 1, 1(3)13. – From changes. from 17.12.99; 08.06.2000; 21.12.2000; 26.04.2001; 07.02.2002.
- On remuneration: Law of Ukraine dated 03/24/1995. No. 108/95-VR.
- Official website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine // Access mode:
- Official website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine // Access mode:
- Official website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine // Access mode:
- Official website of the State Employment Service // Access mode:
- Official website of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine // Access mode:
- Official website of the National Institute of Strategic Studies // Access mode: .
- Official site of European statistics (Official website of European statistical data) // Access mode: .
- Official site of International Labour Organization ( Official website of the International Labor Organization ) // Access mode :–en/index.htm .
- Official site of United Nations Development Program (Official website of the UN Development Program) // Access mode:…
- State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. Access mode: .
- Law of Ukraine “On Population Employment” dated 07.05.2012 No. 5067-VI., with amendments and additions [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: .
- Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Access mode: .
- Community of HR professionals and personnel management specialists. Access mode: