Economic analysis (level B – Analysis of banking activity)

Type: Normative

Department: department of financial technologies and consulting




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
732Associate Professor Grudzevuch Uljana


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
732Associate Professor Grudzevuch Uljana

Course description

Aim of the course: the provision of theoretical knowledge and the formation of practical skills in the organization of information base and methods for analyzing the activities of the bank.

The subject of the educational discipline “Economic analysis (level B – Analysis of banking activity)” is the cause-and-effect relationships of economic phenomena and processes that directly or indirectly affect banking activity.

The main tasks are:

– mastered essences and tasks of analysis of banking activity;

– acquired skills to structure financial information for the needs of analysis;

– study of the system of indicators and their impact on the structural construction of the analysis and its compliance with the requirements of the bank’s management and marketing;

– able to analyze and use the results of the analysis to substantiate and make managerial decisions;

– mastering the methods of complex analysis of the main financial indicators of banks, taking into account domestic and foreign experience


Recommended Literature

  1. The Bank Credit Analysis Handbook / Jonathan GolinPhilippe Delhaise , Wiley. – Second Edition.- 2013.-924р.
  2. The Bank Analyst’s Handbook Money, risk and conjuring tricks / Stephen M Frost,- 2004. – 575р.
  3. The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Author: Frederic Mishkin, Publisher: Pearson Education Inc, ISBN-10: 0-321-63976-6.
  4. Risk management in banking / Joël Bessis , Wiley. – Third edition, – 2010. – 821 p.
  5. Basel III: A global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems – December 2010 (rev June 2011) [Electronic resource]. – Retrieved from:
  6. Basel III: International framework for liquidity risk measurement, standards and monitoring December 2010 [Electronic resource]. – Retrieved from:
  7. Basel III: Finalising post-crisis reforms December 2017[Electronic resource]. – Retrieved from:
  8. Consultative Document Basel III: The Net Stable Funding Ratio / Issued for comment by 11 April 2014 [Electronic resource]. – Retrieved from:
  9. Sneha Sultania11 Major Risks Faced by Banks in 2018 and Beyond [Electronic resource]. – Retrieved from:
  10. Website based in New York City that focuses on investing and finance education and analysis [Electronic resource]. – Retrieved from:
  11. What Is a Bank Stress Test? [Electronic resource]. – Retrieved from: