Business corporate ethics and leadership

Type: For the student's choice

Department: department of financial management




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
1016Associate Professor Sidelnuk OlenaУФФМ-51с, УФФМ-52с


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
1016УФФМ-51сAssociate Professor Sidelnuk Olena
1016УФФМ-52сAssociate Professor Sidelnuk Olena

Course description

The discipline “Business Corporate Ethics and Leadership” is an elective discipline in the specialty 072 “Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market” for the educational program “Finance, Customs and Taxation”, which is taught in the 2nd semester in the amount of 3 credits (according to the European Credit Transfer System – ECTS).
The academic discipline is designed to provide participants in the educational process with the opportunity to master the methods of using the principles, types, tools of leadership by the manager, the formation and reproduction of individual and collective forms of employee behavior and the basics of business corporate ethics.
The purpose of studying the elective discipline “Business Corporate Ethics and Leadership” is to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in communication strategies and tactics, to achieve a high level of business corporate ethics and business communication, etiquette and corporate culture for successful professional activity, personal development of the manager; formation of individual characteristics and behavioral skills necessary for the future manager; formation of a system of professional competence.
Objectives of the discipline:
– to promote students’ mastery of the theoretical foundations of constructive communication and the general principles of ethical business communication,
– to reveal the essence and principles of corporate business ethics;
– to promote the acquisition of practical skills in management, conducting successful business negotiations, conflict resolution, and image formation;
– to develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge of business ethics, the basics of business etiquette and corporate culture in any conditions of today, to skillfully navigate the choice of the best ethical achievements of the culture of communication;
-to teach to apply the basic principles and mechanisms of leadership competencies.

Recommended Literature

  1. Близнюк Т. П. Бізнес-етика та ділові комунікації в контексті теорії поколінь [Електронний ресурс] / Т. П. Близнюк, О. В. Майстренко, Ж. О. Андрійченко // Науковий погляд: економіка та управління. 2022. № 1. С. 44–50. URL: 2.
  2. Бойко, О. М. BUSINESS ETHICS RULES: APPLICATION PROBLEMS. Scientific Notes of Lviv University of Business and Law, 2022. 32. С. 92–98.
  3. Балджи М.Д. Етика бізнесу: навчальний посібник К.: ФОП Гуляєва В.М., 2021. 332 с.
  4. Баранівський В.Ф. Скворцова Т.Г. Етика бізнесу: Навчальний посібник. – К.: Видавець ПАЛИВОДА А.В., 2019. 200 с.
  5. Беліченко А. Г., Воронкова В. Г., Мельник В. В. Етика ділового спілкування : навч. посібн. для ВНЗ. Львів : Магнолія, 2019. 312с.
  6. Корпоративна культура та етикет : навчальний посібник / Уклад. А. М. Зленко. Переяслав-Хмельницький : К.С.В., 2019. 324 с.